Green Office at KMG
The Green Office principles promote economic use of all resources and care for the environment. KMG is adopting the Green Office standards, including the continuous improvement of working conditions, comfort levels, productivity, design and architecture, greening, living environment, and recreation facilities.
The following has been implemented so far:
- Installation of ecobins in offices, corridors, lobbies and parking spaces for separate collection of waste: paper, plastic, glass and metal
- Showing a video on separate waste collection highlighting the results for each month on displays installed in lifts and in the lobby of Emerald Tower business centre hosting KMG’s headquarters
- Pop-up window on employees’ computer screens reminding them to turn off computers and other equipment at the end of the working day
- Stickers with slogans highlighting the need to save trees, minimise printouts, print out in black and white on both sides of paper, and print out unofficial documents on the reverse side of nonconfidential drafts
- Pop-up window at 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. reminding to take a 5-minute break to exercise in order to protect employees from harmful health effects of exposure to personal computer screens
- Pop-up window on employees’ computer screens at 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. with a reminder message – «Wear a face mask. Maintain social distance. Wash and sanitise your hands more often»
- A 2021 environmental calendar was designed for KMG employees
- A campaign is underway to inform and raise awareness, with internal circulation of Green Office posters, booklets, videos and presentations.
- Slides on ecobins for separate waste collection, etc. were added to the Induction Briefing employee onboarding programme
In 2020, the Green Office initiative in the KMG Corporate Centre’s building helped collect 920 kg of waste paper (including 561 kg by KMG), 844 kg of plastic (555 kg by KMG), 32 kg of glass and 45 kg of polyethylene, which saved 8 trees, 16,870 l of water, 844 kW of electricity and avoided 1,434 kg of CO2 emissions.

8 Trees
saved 844 kW
of Electricity saved Priority environmental projects
- Elimination of historical pollution, as well as sources of negative environmental impact (idle wells, wastewater reservoirs, landfills and other production facilities)
- Reduction in emissions through improved technology solutions, e.g. replacing fuel oil with fuel gas/natural gas (as a process furnace fuel), using next-generation additives, tree planting and land improvement at production facilities, replacing equipment, expanding gas processing capacity, installation of gas processing units, etc.
- Reduction in discharges: wastewater treatment facilities upgrade at Atyrau Refinery and reclamation of the Tukhlaya Balka evaporation fields, construction of desalination plants (the Tazalyq project)
- Further implementation of the Green Office principles and improvement of a positive environmental culture and awareness